How to Install the Moodle2Word Word Templates on Microsoft Windows
- Start Microsoft Word, and use the command File>Options to open the Word Options dialog box. Then click Advanced, scroll down to the bottom, and click the "File Locations..." button.
- Select the "Startup" file type and click the "Modify" button. A file selection dialog box opens. Click on the address bar, select the entire path (usually something like C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP), and copy it. Click the "Cancel" button to exit the dialog box.
- In a browser, go to the home page, right-click on the link "Moodle2Word Word Startup Template v3.x" and select "Save link as..." from the menu. You will be prompted to specify a location on your PC.
- Place the cursor at the start of the "File name" field, paste the path you copied from your Word installation, and add a backslash (\). The filename should still be present. Click the "Save" button.
- Go back to Word, and this time select the "User templates" row in the "File Locations" dialog box. Click the "Modify" button to open the file selection dialog box. As before, click on the end of the address bar, select the entire path, copy it and then click the "Cancel" button.
- In your web browser, right-click over moodleQuestion.dotx, and select "Save link as..." from the menu. You will be prompted to specify a location on your PC.
- Place the cursor at the start of the "File name" field, paste the path you copied, and add a backslash (\). The filename should still be present. Click the "Save" button.
- Exit and restart Word, and a new menu called "MoodleQuiz" should appear to the right of the menu bar, and clicking on this will display the Moodle question ribbon.
- In the Moodle ribbon, click the "New Question File" button to start a new question file. You will be prompted to save it in Word 2010 format (.docx) immediately.
At this point, you should be good to go.